The distance from the surface of the earth to the center of the earth is approximately 6,380km.
The approximate thickness of each layer and temperature is as follows:

Lithosphere- 15km-200 km; 0-1000'C
Asthenosphere- 250 km; 1,000-2,000'C
Mesosphere-2,550 km; 2,000'C-3,000'C
Outer Core-2,200 km; 3,000'C-4,000'C
Inner Core-1,230 km; 4,000-5,300'C

To calculate how long it will take for your machine to reach the center of the earth, first decide how fast your machine will travel. Then, covert it to km and then divide the whole distance (6,380km) by your speed in km/hr. See example below:
1. I estimate my machine will travel 100mph. 100m/hr in km/hr is: 100m/hr X 1.61km/m= 161km/hr
2. Total distance/my speed in km/hr is: 6,380km/161km/hr= 39.6 hrs.
3. 39.6 hours= 1 day 15 hours and 36 minutes.

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