Warm-up: Friday Reflection:
 Think back to the last few weeks of school. Name 3 scientific concepts or ideas that you have learned that you did not know before. If your parents could have joined you, which  science lesson do you wish they could have learned with you? Why?

*Don't forget to get this signed!!!

Classwork: Virtual Cell Computer Lab

Homework: Send typed "characteristics" if you have not done so
*Finish "virtual cell lab" ---Most of you are finished, or only have 1 more to go. P
1._______________have membrane enclosed nucleus.
›2._____________is a eukaryote that is defined by how it eats its food (it can be either food producer; or engulf other organisms)
3.Domain ____________is a prokaryote that can be found in extreme environments.
"Discovery of cells" timeline
discussion/cell theory
Introduce "virtual lab"

Homework: Project due Friday (tomorrow)
1.What are the similarities between fungi and bacteria?
 2.Three domains are __________, _________ and _____________.
3.What is the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

Review test & make corrections
work on dichotomous key project

Homework: Dichotomous key project due Friday
1.What is the proper way to use a triple-beam-balance to measure mass?
2.Convert 120mm to cm
 3.What units can be used to measure volume?

Classwork: Work on dichotomous key project
Get Ms. Kwon's approval (let me proof-read the characteristics) before moving on to making the key

Homework: project is due Friday (9/14).  Must be typed, must include all the components listed on the rubric & info sheet.
We will only be spending about 20 minutes on project next class. We are moving on to a new unit. Complete project at home.
Warm-up: Write in complete sentences.
The prefix “centi” has a value of________ ›
The prefix “kilo” has a value of__________. ›
It is important to have _________in an experiment so that you can compare your dependent variable to something “pure”.

Classwork: work on dichotomous key project.
Pick 5 species from the field guide
Make a list of characteristics (5 each)

Let Ms. Kwon proof-read your list of characteristics
*characteristics must be aligned (refer to "fox" ex
Over the weekend, please take some time to view this PowerPoint  slide on how to do your project. If you have not picked your  5 species, you will not be able to start on this project at home,  but you can get an idea of my expectation of this project.

Other than that, you have no homework. Enjoy your weekend.

*We will work on this project in class on Monday. The project is due FRIDAY 9/14.
File Size: 208 kb
File Type: pptx
Download File

Warm-up: no warm-up. Test day.

Classwork: Test
start on dichotomous key project

Homework: Dichotomous key project due Friday 9/14
Write to your teacher: What did you learn in this chapter that you did not know before? What did you find interesting? What do you wish you could learn more about? How will you study for the test tomorrow (at least 6 sentences for the prompt above)

**Anything else going on in your life that you would like to tell me about?**

Discuss classification chart with group
Present chart (the group that was assigned to your table)
Additional review for test
Introduce project

Vocab sheet (front & back) is due tomorrow. You have had this for a week, so you should have it completed!
Dichotomous Key Project due Friday, Sept 14. (We will work on  this Monday & Tuesday in class)
Warm-up: Get out your review sheet & answer as many questions as you can

Classwork: go over review sheet
fix stations with partner
present stations

---discussion: discuss the difference between prokaryote and eukaryote in detail

Homework: finish vocab sheet (front & back)

Finish stations. Make stations corrections. Work on review sheet.
Homework: Fix stations (if I returned it to you), work on Vocab sheet- DUE FRIDAY.