Warm-up: Draw the diagram of our science classroom and label where the safety equipments are located

Classwork: Discuss the safety symbols (must know for Test on Friday)

Work on "Pick From 3" Assignment.
Warm-up: Answer questions regarding classroom procedures. "What is wrong with this picture?" A horrible classroom scenario.

Discuss the location of each safety equipments in the classroom (must know for quiz)

Lab Safety Stations

Homework: Lab Safety Contract 
Warm-up: What is your best classroom scenario?

Classwork: Before we can begin with this year, we need to know each other's expectations. Now that I know a bit more about what you would like to see in my classroom, let me tell you what I would LOVE to see this year.

Procedure card hunt
Homework: Read over the safety contract. Have them signed & returned by Friday (Safety Quiz Friday!)
Welcome back students! Today in class, we got to know a little bit about each other. Please remember to turn in your first day packets to your team time teacher

Warm-up: Who Is Ms. Kwon?

Class work: Discover the steps of Scientific Method using questions & answers from "Who is Ms. Kwon?"

"Who is My Neighbor?" Use the same steps of the scientific method to discover your neighbors