1.The physical model of the earth’s layers show:
2.The compound model of the earth’s layers show:
 3.The layers of the physical models are:
 4.The name of the supercontinent that existed 300 m.y.a is called ____________
make flip book
flip book  due tomorrow
Warm-up: --
Granite is a type of ____________ rock. --
Most of the rocks form ___________the surface. --
Most of the sedimentary rocks are found _________________ because: --
Sedimentary rocks are formed by:
notes on rock cycle
*go over quiz (minerals)
*start flip book (3 different types  of rocks/ erosion/weathering/rock cycle)
flip book- due Thursday (10/24)
Conference day
1. A glassy volcanic rock that contains no crystals, and is black in color is called _____________
2. The slower the magma cools, the ________ the size of the crystals
3. Igneous rock is formed when:
do not turn in warm-ups. Will check next week.

lecture notes on 3 types of rocks

Homework: enjoy your weekend

File Size: 4066 kb
File Type: ppt
Download File

 1.What do you measure in the “streak” test?
 2.The rocks are classified by:
3.The volcanic rocks are also known as _______ igneous rocks.
quiz (minerals)
turn in quiz; grab a "fold-up" info about rocks
peer teaching (rocks)
1.What is the difference between a rock and a mineral?
 2.What is the difference between cleavage and fracture?
3.Cleavage, luster, and streak are called ______ properties of minerals. “fizzing” with acid  would be a _______property.
Classwork: notes on igenous rocks
fix hypothesis on igenous rocks
finish reflection on stations

Homework: none/ 6th period, please finish reflection.
Warm-up: No warm-up

Classwork: rotate from station to station to identify rocks & minerals  (streak test, identify using flow charts, hardness test)

Homework: no homework. Please come see me during zero period/team time if you did not finish stations
Warm-up: Peer reflection: write to the person in front of you. (6 sentence min). Exchange & write 3 setence reply. 

What did you learn during last few weeks? Which topic/s, do you feel that you are an “expert” on? How would you  teach that topic to a classroom of students? What was most interesting to you, and why?

Classwork: Finish working on virtual lab II (glencoe lab)

Homework: Finish working on glenco lab.
Warm-up: --
computer lab

Classwork: virtual lab (glencoe)

Homework: none
Convert 34 meters to centimeters --
Describe the characteristics of asthenosphere
Describe the characteristics of lithosphere
Virtual Lab-"Testing Different Types of Rocks" http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/7_8/rocks_soils.shtml
Please make sure you do a thorough job on observation

Homework: Finish virtual lab for homework.